I am happy to see my affiliate marketing efforts slowly getting grip. My stats over at CJ.com are improving and I am very happy with the initial results. It seems like I am slowly moving up from a random conversion to getting more commissions more often. The other good thing is that it is spreading out between different merchants as well which I consider good. It is still a long way to go for me though. I accepted the “hit” when signing up for CJ’s data feeds which set me back $200.00 (one-time fee though) and I am happy to have that already absorbed and to actually see a positive balance in my account. Only a small fraction of my CJ earnings are coming from PPC traffic at the moment. For whatever reason I am getting a good grip on PPC traffic and CJ merchants. PPC traffic still works better for me with networks like Neverblueads or Copeac. From most networks I am using I currently like Neverblue Ads interface the most. For whatever reason I am not having much luck with my affiliate manager, but I have been too busy to follow through on that.
So, overall it is good to see the efforts I am putting paying off at least a little bit. Like I said, I still have long ways to go, but the results are motivating for me. In case you wonder – review type postings with text links have worked best for me in getting results in affiliate marketing. That is where I will spend additional time on this week.