Everyone loves numbers – especially when it comes to how much money one has or makes online. I am only a small fish in the pond when it comes to make money online, but I want to share at least a little bit what can be accomplished even when only working part-time for yourself late at night when you are too tired to be extremely productive. So, here it is – my income from Google Adsense: on average I made $1,050.00 per month from Google Adsense. That again averages out to a little above $34.00 per day from Adsense – every day 365 days in a row. If I would move to a low cost country like India it probably represents a good and decent income. Here in the US however it does not get me too far to cover my cost of living.
Private advertising is slowly on the rise and already made about 25% of my income from Google Adsense. yeah, I like that. However, most of that came in between September and December and so I hope to push that number up by at least 15% so that private ad sales go up to ~40% of my matching income from Google Adsense.
The worst performing Affiliate Network for me was CPAEmpire. I made a total of $15.60 and after my AM left the company the new affiliate manager emailed me asking a few questions and then never responded back ever (yeah, I know I am not a big gun in affiliate marketing, but contacting me and then never responding to my response …). The best performing affiliate network for me was (still) Azoogleads (even though they no longer have an AM assigned to me (yeah, I know, I am a small fish in the pond)). The affiliate program that made me the most money in 2007 was Amazon.com (low 4-digits $$$). The highest single affiliate pay-out for one lead was $400.00 and was made from a web hosting affiliate program. I spend most of my advertising dollars on Google Adwords (roughly $3,500).
I hope to make a similar posting next year around this time with numbers that are a little more impressive. Especially I personally like to see more income number from affiliate marketing.